Chief Program Officer, Brian Alert, at (203) 838-4305, ext 105;
Middle and High School Programs, Mary Martini at (203) 838-4305; ext 118;
Elementary School Programs, Tricia Massucco at (203) 838-4305; ext 115;
Summer 2025 Dates & Locations
Carver Summer Camp
Tuesday 7/1/25 to Friday 8/8/24
Children 5-13 years of age
8:30 am to 3:30 pm (extended day option until 5:30 pm)
$320 for the 6-week program (extended-day option +$80)
Located at the Carver Community Center, 7 Academy Street, Norwalk
SONO Summer Camp
Tuesday 7/1/24 to Friday 8/8/25
Children 5-13 years of age
8:30 am to 3:30 pm (extended day option until 5:30 pm)
$320 for the 6-week program (extended-day option +$80)
SONO Summer Camp is at South Norwalk Neighborhood School, 46 Concord St., Norwalk
NOTE: The total cost of the Carver and SONO Summer Camps is $1,920 for 6-weeks. Your payment of $320 covers the first week of camp. Carver subsidizes the remaining five weeks of camp. If you choose to withdraw for any reason, your payment will not be refunded.
After the Summer Bell (ATSB)
Monday 6/30/25 to Thursday 7/31/25
This afternoon summer program is for NPS students entering grades 1 through 6 who attend mandatory Summer School. ATSB follows the Summer School in the afternoon.
$425 for the 5-week program (there is no cost for students who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch).
This afternoon program is at Kendall Elementary School, 57 Fillow St., Norwalk.
After the Bell Enrichment (ATB Enrichment)
Tuesday 7/1/25 to Friday 8/8/25
Children 5-11 years of age
8:30 am-3:30 pm (extended day option until 5:30 pm)
$320 for the 6-week program (extended-day option +$80)
Jefferson Elementary School at 75 Van Buren Avenue
As with all our summer programs, there are many enrichment activities. ATB Enrichment Camp activities include science, art, marine science, engineering, social-emotional learning, and weekly field trips!
The full cost of the Carver Enrichment Camp is $1,920 for six weeks. Your payment of $320 covers the first week of camp. Carver subsidizes the remaining five weeks of camp. If you choose to withdraw for any reason, your payment will not be refunded.
Middle School Transition Programs for Rising 6th Graders
This remains a free program, except there is a $75 registration fee this year.
Tuesday, 7/1/25 to Thursday, 7/31/25
8:30 am—3:30 pm
Nathan Hale MS, 176 Strawberry Hill Ave
Ponus Ridge MS, 21 Hunters Ln
Roton MS, 201 Highland Ave
West Rocks MS, 81 W Rocks Rd
High School Transition Programs for Rising 9th Graders
This remains a free program, except there is a $75 registration fee this year.
Tuesday, 7/1/25 to Thursday, 7/31/25
Brien McMahon HS, 300 Highland Ave, Norwalk
Read here about a unique Carver summer initiative for rising 6th-8th graders to experience a traditional New England sleepaway camp in Maine. They explore the woods, waters, and fields of The Ecology School at the River Bend Farm, a historic 105-acre farm located on a scenic bend in the Saco River, just twenty minutes from the Maine coast.
Each summer, a new cohort of 25 rising 6th graders visit the camp for the first time and they are joined by each preceding cohort of 25 students until the students entering the 8th grade experience their final summer week at The Ecology School. Summer 2024 is the first summer we had 75 students, each of the three cohorts (rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders) attend.
Carver Summer Programs
Click here to read about Summer 2024!
Carver Camp at the Carver Community Center and SoNo Camp in South Norwalk are the most affordable and high-quality programs available to Norwalk students ages 5 through 13. Program offerings included field trips, wellness and recreational activities, swimming, and project-based, hands-on, personalized learning to prepare our students for the 2023-2024 school year.
Our summer literacy program is facilitated by certified teachers who utilize current NPS software to provide personalized learning in both reading and math.
Here are previous stories through the years about summer field trips (and here) to destinations such as Sheffield Island, swimming and bowling.
Our summer transition programs are designed to help incoming 6th and 9th-grade students transition into Norwalk’s four middle and three high schools.
Programming includes individualized instruction, parental involvement, small group learning experiences, diverse enrichment activities, free transportation, and full-day activities benefiting working families.
Students learn the basics of navigating their respective new schools. The incoming 9th-graders learn to read a transcript, understand graduation requirements, earn course credits, and look ahead to potential career options. Students use Naviance/Family Connection to develop an individualized Student Success Plan.
Information for each Middle School Transition Program:
2025 Roton Middle School (and in Spanish)
For the High School Transition Program, Click here to see and/or download the Brien 2024 McMahon High School Summer Transition Program flyer. Click here to see the 2024 Norwalk High School Summer Transition Program flyer. 2025 Flyers will be available shortly.