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The Carver has partnered with Aspen Leadership Group in the search for a Chief Development Officer. You may view the position prospectus or submit an application via this link.

Contact Us

Office Administrator/Front Desk: JoAnne Addison, (203) 838-4305, ext 101.; joanne@the-carver.org; Carver Fax: (203) 838-4197


Chief Executive Officer: Novelette Peterkin 
(203) 838-4305, Ext 103; novelette@the-carver.org

Chief Program Officer: Brian Allert 
(203) 838-4305, Ext 105; brian@the-carver.org

Chief Financial Officer: Elizabeth Finn (203) 838-4305, Ext 102; elizabeth@the-carver.org

Chief Operating Officer: Clinton Hamilton (203) 838-4305, Ext 111; clinton@the-carver.org

Director of Philanthropy: Nikki LaFaye
(203) 945-9665/mobile; nikki@the-carver.org

Executive Administrator: Elsie Lopez
(203) 838-4305, Ext 113; elsie@the-carver.org

administration & FINANCE

Accounting Office Manager: Takayoshi (Taka) Nojiri (203) 838-4305 Ext.117; takayoshi@the-carver.org

Administrative Manager: Suzanne Allen
(203) 838-4305, Ext 121; suzanne@the-carver.org

Accounting Office Bookkeeper: Renee Prosper; (203) 838-4305, Ext 114; renee@the-carver.org


Recreation Coordinator: Shannon Singleton-Bates; (203) 945-9666 or (203) 838-4305 Ext 106; shannon@the-carver.org

Future Readiness Coordinator (Norwalk High School): Benson Casirmir; (203) 203-722-2368; casimirb@norwalkps.org

Teen Center Manager: Tremain Gilmore
(203) 838-4305, Ext 109; tremain@the-carver.org

Manager of Middle and High School Programs: Mary Martini
(203) 838-4305, Ext 118; mary@the-carver.org

Director of Elementary School Programs: Tricia Massucco (203) 838-4305, Ext 115; tricia@the-carver.org

Future Readiness Coordinator (Brien McMahon High School): Rayshonda Mitchell (203) 722-9253; mitchellra@norwalkps.org

Future Readiness Coordinator (Norwalk High School): Iman LaBorde-Mobley; (475) 266-7001; labordei@norwalkps.org

Manager of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, Yadley Turnier; (203) 360-4113; yadley@the-carver.org

Manager of Carver After School Program for Education and Recreation
(CASPER) & Jr. YDP at the Carver Community Center: Waid Ramsubhag;
(203) 838-4305, Ext 120; waid@the-carver.org

Social Worker: Jackie Roberson; (203-838-4305, Ext 110; jackie@the-carver.org

Manager of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, Yadley Turnier; (203) 360-4113; yadley@the-carver.org

Future Readiness Coordinator (Brien McMahon High School): Candace Wright; (203-838-4305, Ext 140; wrightca@norwalkps.org


Development Coordinator: Jennifer McPartlin; jennifer@the-carver.org.

Director of Development: Jim Schaffer
(203) 912-2802 (mobile); jim@the-carver.org

7 Academy Street
Norwalk, CT 06850

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