A visit to The Maritime Aquarium stirs the hearts and inspires the imaginations of Carver summer campers

The 10 to 13 year old girls each find a spot along a shallow pool to touch the stingrays at the Maritime Aquarium. As they watch the stingrays, the girls note the two stingrays playing with each other and that they are smiling. They hold a hand above the water while they wait for a stingray to come within reach so they can gently touch it. When one of the girls lightly strokes a stingray that passes by, she immediately brightens, looks up, and says that it is smooth and slimy.

On the second floor, a couple of the girls stop to look at the bats that catch their eye as they walk around. The habitat that they stand in front of seems to be empty with only dark blue lighting, but one of the girls calls over the others nearby and tells them to look up, pointing to the top of the habitat where a bat can be spotted hanging upside down.

Later, the group comes across a darkened exhibit similar to a small amphitheater; inside there is a dark blue lit tank with sharks and fish inside. One of the girls asks a counselor to take a picture of her as she poses in front of the sharks. They discuss with another girl standing in front of the tank how many sharks there are, counting them out loud multiple times to make sure they are correct.

Two of the other girls who are sitting on the steps nearby consider whether the shark lying at the bottom is dead or just asleep, sparking a conversation about how sharks sleep.

Down the hallway, the group discovers a cylinder-shaped tank that reaches the ceiling and shines color-changing lights on the jellyfish that live inside of it. The girls express how pretty the display is and soon each finds a spot to watch the jellyfish. Some of the girls pull out their phones to capture it on video. Near the colorful jellyfish display, the girls curiously watch other species of jellyfish, including the Upside-Down Jellyfish, which are in spherical-shaped tanks.

The tanks sit on platforms which catch the water that overflows from the circle-shaped cut out at the top of each one. The girls embrace a curious mindset as they watch the animals, chat with each other about what they are seeing, and continue to explore the aquarium.