Aiden, age 11, has a dream to score the final goal in the World Cup!


Describe your favorite memory at Carver.

“My favorite memory at Carver was when we went to the movie theater to watch The Incredibles 2. I love that movie. It was really great."

Who is your role model?

"My role model is my mom because she's always there for me and she takes care of me. She really loves me."

What do you want to be when you grow up?

“I want to be a professional soccer player. I play soccer almost every day at Carver. I wanted Colombia to win the World Cup. We have a lot of time to practice soccer skills and drills at Carver. You can just practice by yourself if you want."

What is your biggest dream?

"To score the last goal in the World Cup."

Describe an accomplishment that you’re proud of.

"I used to go to Achieve before this, which is another camp. At Achieve, I won the 'Most Athletic' award, which I'm really proud of."

Describe Carver to someone who doesn’t know what it is.

"Carver is really fun. You meet a lot of new people and the counselors are really great. Andi and Gem are my favorite counselors. They're funny and they treat you well. You'll have a great time here."