Carver summer stories: Layla, 10 years old


Describe your favorite memory at Carver

“Playing basketball on the basketball court with my friends. We were just playing a game together, and it was really bad, but it was so funny.”

Who is your role model?

“My parents. I want to grow up to do what they do. They have some inspiring words for me. They teach me how to protect myself.”

What do you want to be when you grow up?

“A track athlete.”

How would Carver help you accomplish that?

“We do fun activities here that have to do with running, like relay races.”

Describe an accomplishment that you’re proud of.

“Graduating fifth grade. It was a really fun experience. We got to see pictures of our old selves throughout all the years.”

Describe Carver to someone who doesn’t know what it is.

“It’s fun. You should come here because you could make new friends in one day. It feels like a lifetime, being here, but it actually isn’t. And when it’s over, you’ll be very sad.”