Summer Stories: Arianna, 8 years old
Describe your favorite memory at Carver
“I liked when we went to Skyzone today. We got to jump, and do really cool stuff. I felt awesome.”
Who is your role model?
“My friends. They support me and look out for me.”
What do you want to be when you grow up?
“There are so many things that I want to be when I grow up. But I like to paint, so I’m going to have to choose an artist. Once I made jellyfish here out of paper plates, string, and crayons. I do a lot of crafts here.”
Describe an accomplishment that you’re proud of
“There’s this game, but it’s a math program. It’s called Prodigy, and I’m on level 5. You basically answer math questions, but it’s actually really fun. I like math, and Prodigy makes me better at math.”
What is your biggest dream?
“To have a pet unicorn.”
Something that could actually happen?
“To have a lot, a lot, a lot of puppies.”
Describe Carver to someone who doesn’t know what it is
“This is my first year, so I don’t know too much, but it makes me feel really good.”