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Rowayton Connections: A Coastal Celebration of Community and Generosity

L-R: Andrew Ryan, Hannah Robertson, Will Robertson, Rob Strickland, Julia Massengill, Margie Shaughnessy, Jim Shaughnessy

Last evening, Carver's "Connections" house party unfolded with camaraderie and generosity. Held at the spacious, stunning home of Margie and Jim Shaughnessy, overlooking the Sound, the event was a resounding success, thanks to the support of over 100 generous guests who gathered to champion Carver's afterschool, summer, and community programs.

Gratitude filled the air as Carver extended heartfelt appreciation to all attendees, including Connecticut Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas, recognizing the profound impact of their advocacy and support.

Among those who made the evening possible were Co-Chairs Julia Massengill and Rob Strickland, alongside the dedicated members of the Connections Committee: Emily and Mike Anderson, Liz Beinfield, Kay and Jay Garrett, Emily and Rob Grabowski, Megan and Paul Hudson, Martha and Andy Meyerson, Allie and David Pontius, Hannah and Will Robertson, Jen and Andrew Ryan, and Kim and Drew Seath.

For years, Carver has been blessed with hosts who graciously open their magnificent homes, creating spaces for donors eager to foster fellowship and learn about Carver's remarkable impact. Against the backdrop of the Long Island Sound's scenic vistas, guests were treated to an evening that celebrated philanthropy and the essence of Rowayton's coastal charm.

Distinguished speakers, including State Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff; Carver alumni Diaghilev Lubin-Farnell (Carver board member and Connecticut Assistant Attorney General), and Trinity McFadden; Carver board member Robert Pennington, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Norwalk Public Schools; and Carver board president Phil Butterfield, added depth to the evening's festivities. Their voices echoed the significance of Carver's mission and its transformative power for Norwalk youth.

Emily Anderson, Alli Murphy, Laura Sheehy, Kristen Jordan, Hannah and Will Robertson

Carver students, exemplified by remarkable individuals like Diaghilev and Trinity, embody the ethos of resilience, determination, and gratitude fostered by Carver's support system. As evidenced by the inspiring stories they shared at the party, these young women illuminate the transformative impact of Carver's guidance from adolescence to adulthood. Trinity's decision to forego Ivy League institutions (which she was qualified to attend) in favor of RIT resonates with her commitment to community and support, particularly as a member of the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. Her choice reflects a profound understanding of the importance of finding a supportive environment like The National Technical Institute for the Deaf, where she could thrive. Trinity's international experiences, such as studying abroad in Russia and, more recently, in Dubai, underscore her adventurous spirit and commitment to lifelong learning. Her story is a testament to the power of educational support systems in empowering individuals to pursue their dreams and make meaningful contributions to society.

This year’s Rowayton Connections party encapsulated the timeless appreciation of what truly matters: friendship, community, and the spirit of giving. In its picturesque waterfront setting and village character, the event epitomized the cherished essence of a classic coastal New England town—a testament to the enduring legacy of generosity and goodwill.

Carver Community Center Breaks Ground on Transformative Two-Story Teen Center

L-R: Norwalk Council Member At-Large Greg Burnett, Carver CEO Novelette Peterkin, Mayor Harry Rilling, CT Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas, Carver board president Phil Butterfield, and Carol Bauer

Read The Hour (Hearst) article here, which covers this event.

Yesterday morning, we celebrated a groundbreaking milestone for our new two-story Teen Center. The April 10th ceremony was filled with excitement and gratitude as community leaders, donors, volunteers, and Carver supporters gathered to commemorate this important step.

Carol Bauer and Norwalk Council Member At-Large Greg Burnett

Carver extended heartfelt thanks to the State of Connecticut, Carol and George Bauer, and Dalio Philanthropies for their generous leadership investments, which made the project possible. Speakers, including Carol Bauer, Mayor Harry Rilling, Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas, Carver Board President Phil Butterfield, and Carver CEO Novelette Peterkin, expressed their appreciation for this future resource for Norwalk youth.

"The new Teen Center will be a safe, enriching space for our city's teenagers to learn, grow, and thrive through educational, recreational, and social programs," said Peterkin. "This is a testament to Carver's unwavering commitment to empowering the next generation."

L-R Carver board president Phil Butterfield, Carver CEO Novelette Peterkin, and former Carver board member and now NPS Deputy Superintendent Sandra Faioes

The two-story addition will connect to the existing Carver Community Center via interior glass walls overlooking the Richard Whitcomb Gymnasium. It symbolizes a physical space and a beacon of hope and opportunity for Norwalk's teenagers. With its comprehensive facilities and resources, the Teen Center will serve as a hub for educational, recreational, and social activities, nurturing holistic youth development and strengthening community bonds.

Moreover, the Teen Center represents one facet of the larger planned renovation of the Carver Community Center, signifying a broader commitment to holistic community revitalization. Through initiatives like this, Carver continues to exemplify its mission of providing a safe, inclusive, and enriching environment where youth can learn, grow, and thrive.

As shovels hit the dirt, the spirit of progress and community partnership filled the air. The Teen Center groundbreaking marks an exciting new chapter for Carver and the young people it serves.

After the Bell at Carver: Enriching Rowayton's Young Minds

The final bell rings, but the learning doesn't stop at Rowayton Elementary—it's just getting started with Carver's After the Bell program.

This innovative before- and after-school offering provides young scholars with an engaging, enriching experience that seamlessly aligns with their in-school curricula.

After the Bell embraces a Project-Based Learning approach infused with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) subjects, students don't just absorb information; they apply it through imaginative, collaborative projects that let their creativity shine.

The projects bring the lessons to life.

After the Bell goes beyond academics, weaving Social-Emotional Learning, wellness, and a Multi-Tiered System of Support into every activity.

A "learning through play" model provides students with valuable skills like problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.

After the Bell prepares students for success both in and out of the classroom.

With enthusiastic parent and community engagement fueling our efforts, After the Bell offers an environment where young minds can grow, explore, and thrive.

Marvin Elementary's Youngest Stargazers Dazzled by Celestial Dance

The schoolyard at Marvin Elementary School was an observatory today as students from the Carver's before- and after-school program gathered to witness a breathtaking astronomical event - a partial solar eclipse visible over Connecticut.

Outfitted with protective NASA-approved eclipse glasses, the young stargazers watched in awe as the moon slowly slipped across the sun's face, obscuring over 90% of its brilliant light and fiery surface. The strange dimming of daylight and the eerie crescent sun cast the playground in unusual shadows, igniting a sense of wonder and excitement among the children.

When the partial solar eclipse reached its maximum, the moon covered approximately 92% of the sun when viewed from Connecticut. The students cheered as the moon and sun commenced their slow "dance," their perfectly aligned orbit creating patterns of light and shadow.

For these children, it was their first time viewing an eclipse - a relatively rare event they may not witness again until 2027 when the next solar eclipse graces Connecticut skies.

Events like this spark curiosity about science. The look of amazement on their faces was truly priceless. We're cultivating the next generation of astronomers here today!

As the eclipse reached its maximum, the students erupted into applause; their eyes still trained skyward even as the sun and moon began their departure from perfect alignment. A celestial dance convened, and these youngest stargazers had front-row seats to nature's astronomical ballet.

Carver Volunteers Marcia Cleary and Sue Okie to be Honored for their Outstanding Contribution

Marcia Cleary and Sue Okie, dedicated volunteers at The Carver, are being recognized for their exceptional contributions at The Community Fund of Darien's 45th annual Volunteer Celebration. They will be honored in the Outstanding Volunteer Duo category for their remarkable efforts supporting The Carver's mission.

Cleary and Okie co-chaired The Carver's 2023 Darien Connections Party at The Greenhouse at Nielsen's Florist, which brought together the community in celebration. Their leadership and coordination, along with the tireless work of the Darien Connections Committee, ensured a memorable evening for all attendees.

The Darien Connections Committee, comprising Kelcie Lopez, Drew and Kim Seath, Jane and Sam Marrone, Liz Bacon, Elmerina Brooks, Barbara Cox, Dr. George Tsimoyianis "Dr. T," and Diana Tsimoyianis, played a pivotal role in making the event a resounding success. Their collective efforts set the stage for an unforgettable experience, highlighting the power of community engagement and volunteerism.

The public is invited to The Community Fund of Darien's annual Volunteer Celebration on Tuesday, April 30th, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Darien Community Association, 247 Middlesex Road.

RSVP Here!

This event will honor Darien volunteers, such as Marcia Cleary and Sue Okie, and other outstanding volunteers supporting other charities over the past year.

For 45 years, The Community Fund of Darien has celebrated over 800 volunteers who selflessly give back to their community. This year's Volunteer Celebration promises to be heartwarming, recognizing the spirit of volunteerism and the individuals whose efforts have made a lasting impact on the Darien community.

Groundbreaking Ceremony for Carver's New Teen Center Marks Significant Milestone in Norwalk's Youth Development


NIKKI LAFAYE, Director of Philanthropy: nikki@the-carver.org or 203-945-9665

WHAT: Groundbreaking Ceremony for Carver's New Two-Story Teen Center

WHEN: Wednesday, April 10th, 11:30 am - 12:15 pm

WHERE: Carver Community Center, 7 Academy Street, Norwalk, CT 

WHO: Norwalk Mayor Harry Rilling, Secretary of State of CT Stephanie Thomas, Carver board members, staff, and community leaders will attend to demonstrate Carver's commitment to Norwalk youth and families. This outdoor event is open to all members of the public and media. Attendees can expect an outdoor event filled with camaraderie and optimism for the future.

The Center extends heartfelt gratitude to The State of Connecticut, Carol and George Bauer, and Dalio Philanthropies for their generous leadership investments, which have made this transformative project possible.

WHY: The new two-story Teen Center, an addition to the Carver Community Center overlooking through interior glass walls the Richard Whitcomb Gymnasium, is a testament to Carver’s unwavering dedication to Norwalk's youth and families. The groundbreaking ceremony underscores Carver's commitment to providing a safe and enriching space for Norwalk's teenagers to learn, grow, and thrive. The new Teen Center will serve as a hub for educational, recreational, and social activities, fostering positive youth development and strengthening community bonds. The Teen Center is one of many facets of the planned complete renovation of the Carver Community Center.

Carver's 2024 Spring College Tour: A Transformative Odyssey Awaits

Embarking on a journey that promises to shape dreams, forge connections, and inspire a new generation of achievers, Carver is gearing up for its annual 2024 Spring College Tour. From April 13th to April 20th, a group of eager students, accompanied by CEO Novelette Peterkin and dedicated chaperones, will embark on a transformative road trip, visiting prestigious colleges and universities across multiple states.

This year's tour is a carefully curated exploration of academic excellence, cultural enrichment, and personal growth. The itinerary includes stops at esteemed institutions such as Hampton College, Norfolk State University, Old Dominion University, Virginia State University, Virginia Union University, Georgetown University, Howard University, Goucher College, Morgan State University, and Coppin State University.

But this tour is more than just a series of campus visits. It's a transformative odyssey that will expose students to the rich tapestry of educational opportunities and cultural experiences that await them. At each stop, Carver's students will be greeted by school administrators, admissions officers, and successful Carver alumni, who will share their insights, experiences, and words of wisdom.

The tour will also feature unforgettable stops along the way, including a visit to the National Museum of African American History and Culture at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., where students will immerse themselves in the powerful narratives of African American history and culture. Additionally, a stop at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey promises to be a thrilling and well-deserved break from the academic explorations.

Carver's Spring College Tour is a testament to Carver's unwavering commitment to empowering young minds and fostering a lifelong love for learning. As the students embark on this transformative odyssey, they will forge connections, gain invaluable insights, and return home with renewed determination and a clearer vision of their academic and personal aspirations.

As the Carver community eagerly awaits the departure of the 2024 Spring College Tour, one thing is certain: the journey ahead will be an unforgettable experience, shaping dreams, forging connections, and inspiring a new generation of achievers to reach for the stars.

Sign Up for Our Invaluable Summer Transition Program for Rising 9th Graders!

Sign up here. Registration and application forms are due by June 30, 2024. Click here to see and/or download the program flyer.

As the academic year winds down, many soon-to-be high school freshmen may feel excitement and apprehension about the transition to secondary education. Recognizing the challenges of navigating a larger school environment, maintaining strong grades, and juggling multiple teachers and priorities, Brien McMahon High School and Norwalk High School have teamed up to offer an invaluable Summer Transition Program from July 1 to August 1, 2024.

This comprehensive program aims to bridge the middle and high school gap, providing rising 9th graders with the tools and support they need to thrive in their upcoming academic journey. Research has consistently shown that transitioning from middle to high school is one of the most challenging points in a student's educational career, making initiatives like this all the more crucial.

During the month-long program, students will participate in a well-rounded curriculum that includes English, Math, Science, Technology, and Study Skills courses. These core subjects will reinforce essential academic concepts and equip students with the study habits and organizational skills necessary for success in high school.

But the Summer Transition Program isn't just about academics. To foster a sense of camaraderie and personal growth, students will also participate in enrichment activities and field trips designed to promote team building and enhance the overall educational experience.

The program also recognizes the vital role that proper nutrition plays in academic performance. All students enrolled in the Summer Transition Program will receive complimentary breakfast and lunch each day, ensuring they have the energy and focus to maximize their learning opportunities.

As the first day of high school draws near, the Summer Transition Program at Brien McMahon High School and Norwalk High School promises to be an invaluable investment in the future success of Norwalk's students. The program aims to alleviate anxieties, build confidence, and set the stage for a successful and rewarding high school experience by providing a supportive and comprehensive bridge into secondary education.