Carver NHS Students Tour the Capitol with Rep. Kadeem Roberts
Last Friday, Carver students from Norwalk High School took a trip to Hartford to tour the Connecticut State Capitol with State Rep. Kadeem Roberts. Representative Roberts, an NHS and Carver alumnus, represents Connecticut's 137th Assembly district in Norwalk, is an assistant majority leader, and is a member of the Committee on Children, the Education Committee, and the Housing Committee. For our students, it was inspiring to be toured through the state capital by a politician who previously walked the halls of their school.
Many Carver students hold an interest in government. Modern campaigning and policy making is ever evolving, and our civically-minded students want to know: what does it take to run for office? What does a day in the life of a state rep look like? How do we take care of the community that takes care of us? Rep. Roberts was the perfect guide. As a lifelong Norwalker, he works every day to maintain Norwalk as a great city in which to raise a family, to receive an excellent education, to have access to quality healthcare, and to secure affordable housing.
This tour of the State Capitol with Rep. Roberts is just one of the many field trips Carver students embark on during their K-12 educational career. From college tours to symphony visits to team building at adventure parks, Carver programming is designed to put students in the environments that prompt growth and confidence. If the words of Marian Wright Edelman hold true: “you can’t be what you can’t see.” As we build lifetime achievers, we endeavor for Carver kids to see it all and achieve it all. Thank you to Rep. Roberts, Carver PTECH Coordinator Rhea Gorham, and NHS Guidance Counselor Tanya Smalls for making possible this formative trip!