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Getting Ready for Summer!

This Sumer is Different!


Here is the Carver website page to register for all our summer programs.

After a tumultuous school year, there has and continues to be substantial disruption to our children’s learning, interpersonal interactions, and social-emotional well-being. Addressing these disruptions requires an educational response, which is already underway, to promote renewal, reduce opportunity gaps, accelerate learning, and advance equity by providing access to supports, resources, and enhanced enrichment experiences available this summer and into the 2021-22 academic year.

That is why Carver is investing in providing and expanding free and affordable access to summer enrichment and wellness opportunities for all students with an emphasis on those who were most impacted by the pandemic, a critical first step toward helping our students thrive in the years to come.

Disruption is a time to innovate, create, partner, and collaborate to redefine education moving forward by combining traditional educational tools with the nontraditional methods we found most successful during the pandemic while being mindful and responsive to the needs of the children we serve. Now more than ever, it is critical to see this as an opportunity to renew these high-impact practices through summer and beyond, and leverage the assets that our partners and donors make possible.

Our initiatives will prioritize engaging, hands-on learning experiences and transformative enrichment opportunities. We will help children re-engage, provide services to address children’s social-emotional and mental health needs and help them get caught up so that they can thrive during the 2021-22 school year and beyond. These enhanced learning and enrichment opportunities are key to recovery and to helping our young people heal from the past, prepare for the future, and flourish along the way.

Carver Summer Transition Programs


The summer transition programs are designed to help incoming 6th and 9th-grade students transition into Norwalk’s four middle and two high schools. Programming includes individualized instruction, parental involvement, small group learning experiences, diverse enrichment activities, free transportation, and full-day activities benefiting working families.

Students learn the basics of navigating their respective new schools. The incoming 9th-graders learn how to read a transcript, understand graduation requirements, earn credits in courses, and look ahead to potential career options. Students use Naviance/Family Connection to develop an individualized Student Success Plan.

Summer Enrichment Programs

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These are the most affordable and high-quality programs available to students ages 5 through 13 years old in Norwalk. These program offerings range from (CDC rules permitting) swimming to project-based and hands-on personalized learning to prepare students for the coming school year.

Our summer literacy program, facilitated by certified teachers, uses the myON and Lexia Reading Core 5 software to provide personalized learning. NPS certified teachers also teach math sessions, the two primary programs are TimezAttack and ThinkCentral. TimezAttack is a computer-based math fact game that strongly supports fact fluency. ThinkCentral is the online component of the GO Math Common Core math program used in NPS K-5 classes.

The Need for Quality Summer Programs!

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​​A new, national survey explores the unique role out-of-school time programs play in youth development compared with home and school, how parents assess quality in OST programs, and the impact of COVID-19 for summer 2021—and beyond.

And speaking of summer, a new report by the Afterschool Alliance and Edge Research shows participation in summer programs is higher than ever, but the demand is far from being met. For every child in a program, there’s another child waiting to get in.