As reported by Nancy on Norwalk, Norwalk Public Schools will replace spring break this year with a continuation of distance learning. Since families need to delay vacations until the life returns to normal, everyone is having to make difficult adjustments.
For the first time in 50 years, Carver had to cancel its annual Spring Break College Tour. In its place a Carver volunteer created this database of colleges and universities across the country that offer 360 virtual tours of their campuses and programs.
Norwalk Superintendent of Schools Steven Adamowski informed Norwalk families of his decision, stating:
“While safety of students, staff and their families is our number one concern at this time, keeping students learning and prepared for the next grade or college is the second important priority. The continuation of Distance Learning through April vacation will help maintain instructional momentum and progress for all students. However, it also serves another purpose for our families and community.
“With the current restrictions in place to reduce the coronavirus spread, we have heard that many families would not be travelling. A break right now would leave many students without any structure or activities in their day. The City of Norwalk has also expressed concern that students not congregate together outdoors or at fields or on streets. More than ever, children need to be occupied with learning at home, particularly if parent(s) must work outside the home. The April break decision was therefore made with that bigger picture also in mind.”