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NeighborShare connects your giving directly with families in dire need

Click here to go to NeighborShare

Click here to go to NeighborShare

Carver is enthusiastically participating in NeighborShare, a new giving platform created and maintained by highly skilled volunteers who are deeply moved by the surge of economic need within our community.

Carver is one of six great nonprofits in Fairfield County selected to pilot this innovative initiative that matches your philanthropy directly with families in need.

Please Share by giving to a neighbor described on the NeighborShare website. Share by sending NeighborShare to someone else who might like to share. Share by referring a new organization to join Carver and our five peer organizations on this powerful new platform.

Since the beginning of this crisis, Carver has been quietly providing financial and practical assistance to families we know well, families that are profoundly distressed by the upheavals caused by the pandemic. NeighborShare is a boon to these efforts to care for the needs of our youth and their families.


As NeighborShare launches today, you can learn about the needs of 45 families as described by Action for Bridgeport Community Development, Alpha Community Services (YMCA in Bridgeport), Carver, Domus, Family Centers, and Open Doors.

The needs are great and increasing.

African-Americans, who already suffer from lower life expectancy than other racial groups, appear to be dying from the coronavirus in greater numbers. Many white-collar workers are able to continue working from home. Many blue-collar workers have either lost their jobs — or may soon face a choice between returning to work and protecting their health at home. Already, some of the worst outbreaks have happened in lower-income communities.

Thank you for helping to prove that compassion cannot be quarantined.