April 22nd, 2020, marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the annual celebration of the environmental movement. In 1970, according to EarthDay.org, about 20 million Americans cohered around the country to demand greater attention to the protection of the planet. Since then, activists and concerned citizens around the world have gathered each year to mark this day. By celebrating Earth Day today, you’re part of a community of over 1 billion people who take part in this movement every year.
This year’s Earth Day is of course taking place during one of the most widespread and deadly pandemics the world has seen for generations. But we can still celebrate the occasion while sheltering in place.
There are over a thousand different programs from all over the world listed on the Earth Day website. Unless stated otherwise, all take place on Wednesday, April 22nd. The largest of these virtual events is here, Earth Day Live 2020.
The first Earth Day was a peaceful call for environmental reform, following a massive oil spill off the coast of California. Now more than ever, Earth Day offers an opportunity for us all to reflect upon our relationship with the planet, amid this most powerful message that nature can surprise us at any moment, with devastating consequences. It is a time when the health of the planet and its people has never been so important.
Earth Day is also the anniversary of the signing of the Paris Agreement to take climate action. The pandemic is a stark reminder of the vulnerability of humans and the planet in the face of global scale threats.