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Communities of Courage - How Our Humanity is Showing

Former President Barack Obama is urging Americans to stay hopeful amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak: "While we all face a long road ahead, and must continue to do our part to flatten the curve of COVID-19 transmission, I hope this collection of stories inspires you as it did me . I am never surprised by the power of our community to come together.”

Supermarket superheroes: Hardworking employees have been hailed as the 'unsung heroes' of the coronavirus pandemic - as brave workers are compared to firefighters braving bushfires

Great ideas to help relieve the suffering of others during the pandemic.

This Nonprofit Is Taking Unused Food From Events Canceled Due to Coronavirus and Giving It to Those in Need (Billboard)

As WHO and health authorities across the planet act to contain the outbreak, advice on safeguarding your mental health, have been developed by the UN health agency’s Department of Mental Health and Substance Use. WHO’s 31-point guidance specifically targets the general population; healthcare workers; health facility managers; childcare providers; older adults, care providers and people with underlying health conditions; and those who are living in isolation to try and contain the spread of the pandemic.

Cornelia Griggs is a mother, writer and pediatric surgery fellow in New York. Below is an excerpt from her op-ed.

Please flatten the curve and stay at home, but please do not go into couch mode. Like everyone, I have moments where imagining the worst possible Covid-19 scenario steals my breath. But cowering in the dark places of our minds doesn’t help. Rather than private panic, we need public-spirited action. Those of us walking into the rooms of Covid-19-positive patients every day need you and your minds, your networks, your creative solutions, and your voices to be fighting for us. We might be the exhausted masked face trying to resuscitate you when you show up on the doorstep of our hospital. And when you do, I promise not to panic. I’ll use every ounce of my expertise to keep you alive. Please, do the same for us.