(L-R) Norwalk Common Council member, Greg Burnett; CT Senate Majority Leader, Bob Duff; CT Representative Terrie Wood; CT Representative and Carver board member Fred Wilms; Novelette Peterkin, Carver Executive Director; and CT Representative Gail Lavielle.
See all the photos here in Carver’s photo album!
On Thursday, September 20th, the Carver community celebrated its 80th anniversary by gathering some 400 of Carver’s daily after school students at the Carver Community Center for a few hours of fun, food, games, music and dancing, and even a magician!
We are grateful to the many elected officials, education leaders, Craver board members, parents, volunteers who joined us.
Norwalk Public Schools Superintendent, Dr. Steven Adamowski and Novelette Peterkin
Mayor Rilling’s presence was felt in the reading of the City of Norwalk’s Carver Day proclamation by Senator Bob Duff and Norwalk Common Council member, Greg Burnett.
Also joining us were Representatives Gail Lavielle, Fred Wilms and Terrie Woods who greeted our students and guests with their personal remarks and the reading of a proclamation from the Connecticut General Assembly that honored Novelette Peterkin’s (Carver’s Executive Director) 15 years of outstanding service to the Norwalk community. Congressman Jim Himes was represented by a member of his staff, Veronica Tertullien.
Prudential was the Presenting Sponsor of the day’s event, and DJ Albert Richards provided the music and fun for the students. Steve Dane held our students spellbound with his magic tricks.
Volunteers from New Canaan High School’s Carver Cares Club were joined by energetic members from Carver’s Marketing Committee, including Paula Argosh, Alex Baudouin, Tasha Branch, Marc Alan, Marge Costa, Patrick Steele, Dr. Susan G. Weinberger, Brenda Wilcox Williams, and Wendy Winnick.
Cowabunga and Tony’s Taco provided the food along with in-kind contributions from Garden Catering and Italia’s Restaurant & Pizzeria.
Carver is Norwalk’s largest provider of after school programs for middle and high school students, and the largest provider of summer programs serving K through 9th grade students, operating in 11 Norwalk schools and the Carver Community Center.
In the 2017-18 academic year, Carver served 3,819 unduplicated individuals: 1,323 students in after school and summer programs, 164 students in college, and 2,332 people in community programs. Carver is given free access to each school’s facilities and resources free of charge.
Since 2005, 100% of Carver seniors have graduated on time. Over 95% of Carver seniors enroll in college immediately following graduation. 85% of Carver college students graduate from 4-year colleges and universities within 6 years.
Carver provides support that recognizes individual strengths, needs, and learning styles. Carver interventions and supports align with the Norwalk Public Schools 2019 Strategic Operating Plan aimed at closing the Achievement Gap. Carver received the highest ratings from Charity Navigator and Guidestar, far exceeding industry standards for financial health, transparency and accountability to donors.
Thank you, everyone, for giving the Carver community so much to celebrate! Carver is 80 years young because of you!