Mike Barbis
Rowayton Volunteer Firefighters (and Chairman of the Norwalk Board of Education) Norwalk Mike Barbis and long time Carver volunteer Joan de Regt delivered more than 500 gifts to the Carver Community Center for children attending our holiday party.
The fire department teamed up with the Rowayton Civic Association for its annual Santa Run in the effort to collect toys, board games and much else. Joan de Regt founded the initiative more than 10 years ago.
Carver provided Joan with a list of toys our kids like, such as sports equipment and dolls and this annual campaign once again exceeded all expectations! Without these presents, many of the families participating in Carver’s annual holiday party might not have gifts to open this year.
Thanks, Rowayton, for these many gifts of joy!
Carver’s annual holiday party on Friday, December 7th is always a joyous event thanks to our many volunteers and benefactors!