Dear students, staff, alumni, volunteers, and our many generous friends,
2018 has been a year of great momentum. As 2019 approaches, we look forward to continued excellence and new advancements in our after school, summer and community programs.
Carver endures after 80 years because Carver changes. This past year we launched new initiatives and new partnerships in new schools that will strengthen Carver youth and their families for generations to come. At the same time, we reaffirmed commitments that will stand us in good stead as we move deeper into the 21st century.
At heart, of course, Carver is about people. This year, we welcomed new staff and expanded the circle of students receiving our support. We imagined a world improved by our individual and collective efforts and we are acting on that bold vision.
Looking now toward 2019, we begin again, guided by our history and inspired by one another. As we prepare to greet the New Year, I want to thank you for your continuing commitment to Building Lifetime Achievers.
I sincerely wish you and your family a joyous holiday and all the very best for a happy and healthy New Year.
With gratitude,
Novelette Peterkin, CEO