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Register Today for Carver's Boys & Girls Basketball!


Boys & Girls Basketball

December 4, 2017 to March 4, 2018 (includes playoffs)

One practice per week (Monday-Friday)

One game per weekend

George Washington Carver Community Center, 7 Academy Street, Norwalk, CT

K-9th grade - $105; Early Bird - $65 (until October 13th); Registration deadline November 20th

There are a limited number of spots per team. Additional registrants will be placed on a waiting list once the teams are filled. We offer financial assistance and scholarships.

Contact Shannon Bates to register or for more info shannon@carvercenterct.org or 203.838.4305

The Carver Youth Basketball League is dedicated to teaching the fundamental aspects of the game and promoting team play while building self-confidence and life skills that foster good citizenship, responsibility, respect and the pursuit of excellence.


There are 200 players (5th through 8th grades) organized into 20 teams. Each team is named after a favorite college. Each team has a sponsor whose name is printed on the back of the respective team’s uniform t-shirts.

The league philosophy focuses on participation, sportsmanship and creating an atmosphere for all players to succeed. This is not a traveling or ultra-competitive league. Carver staff, players, volunteer coaches, parents, and skilled referees continually reinforce the attributes of good sportsmanship, hard work, and positive thinking during the season of this in-house Carver league. Those students who excel go on to play competitively in high school and beyond.