This exciting and memorable event was produced by Carver's Sr. YDP Plus students.
The Program for the evening (2.25.17) included:
Pastor Lenore Jordan (New Place of Worship)
CASPER students singing
Chavez Johnson (The Dancing Christian)
Ebel Alliance and Whitely Thermidor, Jr. YDP, musical selection
Charge Cheer (Dance and Step Team)
Carla Romeus, Sr. YDP student reads her poem
Kouffin Kanecke Company (New Haven School of African Dance and Drumming)
Greater Love Temple Church Youth Choir
Sara St. Surin, Sr. YDP student musical selection
TRN Musical selection featuring Trenton Moore, Rahmin Blake, Nazaire Vereen
French Speaking Baptist Church Choir
Deacon Rodney Moore recites MLK's "I have a Dream" historic speech
Berdine Joseph, Carver alumnus, sings solo
Carver's Sr. YDP students, Alexis Hooks and Shelcie Charlot, offer closing remarks