5th Grade Scholars at Kendall Elementary School are bursting with creativity and knowledge
Miss Dilette Julian, teacher at Kendall Elementary School
This year, the Carver 5th Grade Scholar’s at Kendall Elementary School are participating in multiple hands-on projects throughout the week.
Students develop team building skills. The young scholars practice their math and reading prowess by utilizing MyOn and Symphony math personalized learning tools.
Students created comic books with their own personal narratives and fictional stories. Common Core State Standards are used to guide the students in organizing their stories.
They engage in enrichment STEAM activities, such as creating floating boats, erupting volcanos, air balloon cars, airplanes, Marshmallow towers/structures, and delving into robotics.
Our Scholars learn and teach each other languages such as French and Spanish. They have fun sharing basic greetings and conversational phrases.
They enter in math challenges and competitions, and they learn how to play Chess.
Our 5th grade Scholar’s are artists, too. They paint, including paintings inspired by Jackson Pallock and Van Gogh, and they learn about painting on glass. They create colorful take-home paper carnations, pillows, acorn wreathes, ceramics, and they created a gallery for the school’s main entrance.
Students are always looking for ways to help beautify the school. Our students created a google survey form to ask teachers what type of bulletin boards they would like. Students work together to add vision, color, and motivation to the walls of their elementary school.
When working from home, virtual learning includes activities and games, scavenger hunts, origami, Pictionary, charades, and so much more.
Carver 5th grade Scholars at Kendall Elementary School enjoy being challenged while having fun.
Carver is a vital before and after school part of the campus environment for almost all Norwalk schools, providing support, enrichment, and resources to address critical issues and enhance learning opportunities. Goals include individualized academic support and remediation and smooth grade-level transitions. We work closely with school leaders to develop effective programs and interventions.
A child’s educational success depends on a medley of factors. Family circumstances, teacher skills, school resources, and student motivation are each complimented and enhanced by Carver’s interventions and creative supports.