The Carver

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Vote Early, Make a Difference: Get Involved with Carver's Civic Engagement

Early Voting: Carver is a designated Civily Engaged Organization. As such, we want to help spread the word that if you are busy or out of town on August 13, you can vote in person in the 2024 Primary Election the week before! Early voting is available August 5-11. Learn more at today! #earlyvoting #CTvotesearly.

The state primary election is scheduled for Aug. 13, but voters will have a full week to appear in person at their local polling locations. Then, in November, the general election will decide who becomes president of the United States. In this primary election, all voters registered as either Democrat or Republican can vote early.  New voters or those unaffiliated with either party can vote early if they enroll in a major party.