Carver entrepreneurs show the value of learning at a young age
By Julia Berg
Delwin, a creative student from the K-2 after-school group at the Carver Community Center, has a few Pokemon cards and wants to design his own to place in a shop.
He creates the Pokemon cards using paper, markers, and scissors. He folds the paper carefully, focusing on how to draw the Poké ball so the middle of it lines up with the crease and the ball's circumference almost touches the edges of the card.
Another student in the group, Eliannah, joins him after she finishes her homework.
They make a shop sign by writing ‘open’ and ‘closed’ on sheets of paper and help each other by correcting any misspelled words. Together they carry their supplies to the gym to continue working on it.
Carver gives these students a good place to complete their homework and dream about and explore future projects.
Volunteer Julia Berg tells us lively stories about our summer and after-school students at the Carver Community Center. See more of her stories here.