The Carver

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William is thriving at Rowayton Elementary School

Kathy Msaad manages our After the Bell before and after-school program at Rowayton Elementary School. She shares this wonderful news about one of her 3rd-grade students, William.

William has been part of the After the Bell morning and afternoon program since kindergarten.

We asked him about his experience in the Carver program and he said, “I enjoy it because it gives me time to do my homework and socialize with my friends. My favorite part is it gives me something to do after school and I don’t get bored.”

William is an outstanding student and is always willing to kindly help his classmates.  He enjoys participating in all the activities such as First Lego League (robotics), tech time, and various other enrichment programs.

William shows consideration to all the students. When it comes to communicating with teachers, and his peers, he is very polite and respectful. 

I consider William a great role model for all our students.

Way to go, William!