The Carver

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Connecticut begins to reopen today amid caution and uncertainties

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U.S. and state flags in Connecticut return to full-staff today; the flags have been flying at half-staff since early April.

914 people are currently hospitalized for COVID-19, a drop of six people from Monday.

Connecticut’s continuing decline in the number of daily hospitalizations, as well as an uptick in testing capabilities, has both state officials and federal health experts confident that today’s Phase 1 reopening plan will be successful. This is the first of four phases.

According to new research and data, the hot summer months will likely bring down the number of new COVID-19 cases. But we are to expect a resurgence in the fall when the weather turns cold and seasonal influenza picks up. There remain many uncertainties for schools and colleges reopening in the fall. Students applying to the University of Connecticut, for example, won’t need to submit SAT or ACT test scores for the next three years

Meanwhile, Carver staff (certified teachers) are serving all our students with virtual after-school academic, enrichment, sand social emotional support. We are planning for both virtual and (while adhering to new public health rules) physical summer programs in July.

Severe food and financial needs remain for many of our families, a growing crisis wrought by record unemployment. Carver has been providing financial assistance to as many families as we can. The Brookings Institution has reported that more than one in five households nationally were food insecure by the end of April.

Thanks to you, Carver is here for the youth and families who need us. Thanks for being with us as we strive together to support our community’s well being while enduring the continuing crisis.