Carver Campers on Schooner SoundWaters!
Several weeks ago, Carver placed the call-to-action on The Impact Vine crowdfunding platform and our wonderful donors made this journey on the Schooner Soundwaters today possible. THANK YOU!
See all the photos here. See the video below!
The Schooner SoundWaters is The Teaching Vessel of Long Island Sound. A representation of a 19th century sharpie schooner, the SoundWaters is an ideal platform for learning and experience for both students and adults.
For Carver students, this three-masted, 80’ ship served today as a teaching platform for the Science of the Sound, a hands-on, science-infused learning experience aboard the Schooner SoundWaters. During this three-hour science enrichment program our students helped to raise the sails, haul in a trawl net and examine the ecology of Long Island Sound. Students tested the Sound’s water quality along the coastline, demonstrated mechanical advantage, touched and investigated the structures of live animals, and more. The program provided an interactive learning experience that cannot be simulated in a classroom and served to reinforce many of the ecological concepts and theories introduced in other Carver after school and summer programs. This adventure today embodied the standards for Connecticut and New York Core Science Curriculum Frameworks and helped to prepare our students for the States Mastery Tests.
Most of all, this adventure today was a journey into nature that our students will never forget.