Carver campers explore the world of color and pattern by playing with sand to create art
The 7 to 9 year old girls run around the playground until Ms. Renee calls several over to tell them that it is their turn to do sand art.
The girls brainstorm what they’re going to draw and pretty soon come up with an idea that they begin to draw in marker on their paper as a guide for where to place the glue and sand. Some ask another girl, who they name the best artist of the group, to draw parts of their guide for them, which they continue to design.
The girls then glue parts of their drawing and pour a color of sand on that area, taking turns asking for the glue and sand among themselves. Others on the playground come over while the girls are focused on building their creation to see if they can join once space is available.
As they complete parts of their sand art and take a second to look at what they have created, they show their art to each other and eagerly ask for the glue to finish the next part of their masterpiece.
One by one, the girls pour sand over the final part of their drawing and shake out the excess over the ground. They step back to take a look at the completed piece and proudly display it to their counselors before placing it on another table and weighing it down with rocks before heading to the playground to join the rest of the group.
On the playground, the girls are immediately welcomed into the ongoing round of hot potato and other games as those waiting at the sand art table start their drawing.
The girls’ ability to collaborate with each other make for a great experience and beautiful art!